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Children's Workshop - August 14, 2021

Beloved Parents and Parishioners of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, we would like to inform and welcome you, that on August 14, 2021, Saturday, we will host a Children's Workshop so we can spend some time with the youngest.

We encourage the parents to join us as well so we can have time to talk about any questions we might have regarding the Orthodox Christian upbringing of our children.

With God's help, here is the:

Schedule for the Children’s Workshop (8/14)

10 am - Prayer

10:15 - Making Prayer Ropes

11:00 - Making Prosphora and Reading a Story

12:00 - Lunch break

12:45 - Conversation with fr. Borjan in Church

1:45 - Learn to sing “Theotokos and Virgin”

2:15 - Make an icon (choose: draw, color, mosaic)

3:15 - Vespers

In Christ's love,

Fr. Borjan Vitanov

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