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  • The Paraklisis to the Theotokos, every Friday from 6:30 pm.

The Theotokos


  • Catechism for adults from 6:30 pm, every Tuesday.

  • Bible Studies from 6:30 pm, every Wednesday

  • Every Friday - Paraklisis - from 6:30 pm.

  • Every Saturday, at 06:00 pm Vespers

  • Every Sunday at 10:00 am Divine Liturgy



Schedule of services  February 11th, 2024 – April 20th, 2025


Tuesday - February 11 - Small Compline and Catechism from 6:30 pm 

Wednesday - February  12 - Liturgy from 9 am - Synaxis of the Holy Three Hierarchs

Friday - February 14 - Paraklisis from 6:30 pm.

Saturday - February  15 - Liturgy from 9 am - The Meeting of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Saturday - February 15 - Vespers from 6 pm.

+ Sunday of the Prodigal Son - February 16 - Orthros and Liturgy from 10 am 


Tuesday - February 18 - Small Compline and Catechism from 6:30 pm 

Friday - February 14 - Paraklisis from 6:30 pm.

Saturday - February  22 - Liturgy from 9 am - Memorial Saturday

Saturday - February 22 - Vespers from 6 pm.

+ Sunday of the Last judgment (Meatfare Sunday) - February 23 - Orthros and Liturgy from 10 am 

Orthodox Synaxis Movie Night from 3 p.m. "Adam, Where Are You?" Allen Theater.


Tuesday - February 25 - Small Compline and Catechism from 6:30 pm 

Friday - February 28 - Paraklisis from 6:30 pm.

Saturday - February 29 - Vespers from 6 pm.

+ Sunday of Forgiveness (Cheesefare Sunday) - March 1 - Orthros and Liturgy from 10 am 


Monday - March 3 - Lenten Hours from 9 am 

Tuesday - March 4 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Tuesday - March 4 - Small Compline and Catechism from 6:30 pm 

Wednesday - March 5 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Wednesday - March 5 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts from 5:30 pm

Thursday - March 6 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - March 7 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - March 7 - Paraklisis with the Akathist to the Theotokos from 6:30 pm.

Saturday - March 8 - Liturgy from 9 am - Memorial Saturday

Saturday - March 8 - Vespers from 6 pm.

+ Sunday of Orthodoxy - March 9 - Orthros and Liturgy from 10 am 


Monday - March 10 - Lenten Hours from 9 am 

Tuesday - March 11 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Tuesday - March 11 - Small Compline and Catechism from 6:30 pm 

Wednesday - March 12 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Wednesday - March 12 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts from 5:30 pm

Thursday - March 13 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - March 14 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - March 14 - Paraklisis with the Akathist to the Theotokos from 6:30 pm.

Saturday - March 15 - Vespers from 6 pm.

+ Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas - March 16 - Orthros and Liturgy from 10 am 


Monday - March 17 - Lenten Hours from 9 am 

Tuesday - March 18 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Tuesday - March 18 - Small Compline and Catechism from 6:30 pm 

Wednesday - March 19 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Wednesday - March 19 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts from 5:30 pm

Thursday - March 20 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - March 21 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - March 21 - Paraklisis with the Akathist to the Theotokos from 6:30 pm.

Saturday - March 22 - Vespers from 6 pm.

+ Sunday of Holy Cross - March 23 - Orthros and Liturgy from 10 am 


Monday - March 24 - Lenten Hours from 9 am 

Tuesday - March 25 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Tuesday - March 25 - Small Compline and Catechism from 6:30 pm 

Wednesday - March 26 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Wednesday - March 26 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts from 5:30 pm

Thursday - March 27 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - March 28 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - March 28 - Paraklisis with the Akathist to the Theotokos from 6:30 pm.

Saturday - March 29 - Vespers from 6 pm.

+ Sunday of St. John Climacus  - March 30 - Orthros and Liturgy from 10 am 


Monday - March 31 - Lenten Hours from 9 am 

Tuesday - April 1 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Tuesday - April 1 - Small Compline and Catechism from 6:30 pm 

Wednesday - April 2 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Wednesday - April 2 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts from 5:30 pm

Thursday - April 3 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - April 4 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - April 4 - Paraklisis with the Akathist to the Theotokos from 6:30 pm.

Saturday - April 5 - Vespers from 6 pm.

+ Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt - April 6 - Orthros and Liturgy from 10 am 


+ Monday - April 7 - Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos - Liturgy from 9 am 

Tuesday - April 8 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Tuesday - April 8 - Small Compline and Catechism from 6:30 pm 

Wednesday - April 9 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Wednesday - April 9 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts from 5:30 pm

Thursday - April 10 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - April 11 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Friday - April 11 - Vespers from 6 pm.

+ Lazarus Saturday - April 12 - Liturgy from 9 am 

Saturday - April 12 - Vespers from 6 pm.

+ PALM SUNDAY - April 13 - Orthros and Liturgy from 10 am 




Great and Holy Monday - April 14 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Great and Holy Tuesday - April 15 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Great and Holy Wednesday - April 16 - Lenten Hours from 9 am

Great and Holy Thursday - April 17 - The Mystical Supper - Liturgy from 9 am

Friday - April 18 - Holy Vespers from 9 am

Friday - April 18 - Epitaphio from 6:30 pm.


+ Holy Saturday - April 19 - The Descent into Hell of our Lord Jesus Christ  - Liturgy from 9 am 

and All-Night Evening Vigil starting from 11:45 pm.

+ THE HOLY PASCHA - April 19/20 - Orthros and Liturgy from 00:00 am

+ The Holy Paschal Vespers of Love - April 20 - from 5 pm

+ + +

House Blessings

Just as it is important to sanctify ourselves by partaking
of the Holy Eucharist it is also important to sanctify the places we dwell
by having our houses blessed at least once a year.

Please call Father Borjan at 240-367-2130 to schedule your house blessing.

© 2020-2023 Holy Resurrection of Christ,  Eastern Diocese of America - Serbian Orthodox Church, Lebanon PA - 120 East Weidman St. 17046

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