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Writer's pictureBorjan Vitanov

Baptism of Ignatius

Dear brothers and sisters, we are all grateful to God for having our dear brother in Christ Ignatius, becoming a full member of our Orthodox Church through the mystery of the Holy Baptism and Chrismation. It is a day of celebration for all of us because we have a brother amongst us and Christ in our midst. St John Chrysostomos says: "To say I love you means to say you are immortal". May our love for Christ and in Him for each other bring us closer to the citizenship of the Kingdom of Heaven. May it be for many blessed years, dear brother Ignatius, and may God grant you the good fight till you enter the promised Kingdom of the Upper Jerusalem.

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1 commentaire

Robyn Macrina
Robyn Macrina
17 janv. 2023

Ive never seen an outdoor Orthodox baptism. This was very special. Many Years!

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