There is no person who cannot become a saint; it is enough to be a little brave, to have simplicity, a bit of humanity, peace, and acceptance—acceptance of all that life brings, without falling into despair over anything. Neither for oneself, nor for the Church, nor for society, nor for the times.
We Christians often have various thoughts and feel as if we are lost, as if we are in danger. But is Christ ever in danger? Even when He is asleep, He commands the waves, the storms of heaven, and the very beating of our hearts. Therefore, if we do not become saints, we have no excuse, for anyone can achieve it.
A thief on the cross realized that Christ is God and, saying, "Remember me, Lord, in Your Kingdom," was the first to enter Paradise and became a saint. What, then, should we become, we who are God’s children from the youngest age?
Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra