By the Grace of God and with the blessing of His Grace our Bishop and Father Kyr Iriniej of the Eastern Diocese of Washington/New York and Eastern America we had our Sixth Orthodox Synaxis on November 22nd, 2024.
Our guest speaker was Mr. Constantine Zalalas from the Greek Orthodox Church who gave lecture on "Path to Holiness" and in an edifying manner spoke about the acquisition of holiness in the every day life. No one has an excuse not the become a saint regardless of our profession or circumstances of life, he profoundly emphasized, as he numbered many "ordinary" people who acquired the non-ordinary grace from the Holy Spirit, which is the meaning of our life.
We thank him for his presence amongst us even though he had a very busy schedule, as we thank all of our parishioners who made sure everyone was welcomed and able to listen about the profound depth of the Holy Tradition and the gifts that the Orthodox Church gives through all of those who made sure that the Holy Spirit is the very center of our spiritual life in Christ within His Body which is the One, Holy, Catholic (Universal) and Apostolic Church.
God willing see you all soon next time with other interesting guests coming for our Orthodox Synaxis gatherings of love and communal witnessing of the Orthodox faith among many who thirst after God and His love.