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Writer's pictureBorjan Vitanov

Replacing God with man as an idol

"We, Christians, increasingly talk about the greatness of science, which is 'in perfect harmony with religion,' about democracy as a value that 'allows the Church to exist freely,' and about human rights as the highest value. We know that science has made us proud like never before, replacing God with man as an idol, who worships himself; we know that democracy has replaced God's will, and human rights have replaced God's right to intervene in our lives and act as God.

Thus, we find ourselves in a state as Christians who try to understand something on their own but do not trust in God; who seek rest and tranquility but neglect inner peace; Christians who utter the word 'love' but have in mind their selfish priorities or pathological attachment – because they refuse to unite with love in leniency, endurance, and sacrifice, and prefer the illusion of selfish pleasure."

Metropolitan Nikolaos of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki

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