Today, June 2, 2018, after long, hard working winter moths, we celebrated the opening of our newly renovated Church Hall. We would like to thank God for this day and for all the blessings He has poured upon our small Parish of the Holy Resurrection of Christ.
The event started with the Vespers, and we had the blessing to have among us fr. deacon Bojan Gligorevich. Our Parish priest Fr. Borjan Vitanov, after the dismissal of the service, said a few words about the spiritual meaning of the everyday church that is mystically with in us, and continues to grow every time when we take even the smallest effort to care about the “important”, and “less important”, the “small” and “the big” needs of our Parish Church. He thanked God for having our Bishop and Father Irinej, blessing our Church Hall in April during our Slava celebration, and even tough in the beginning such an effort of renewing the Hall was financially exhausting, for our small Parish, still God “somehow” provided and gave us even more than we needed, both spiritually and financially. And He will continue to do so, if we put our trust in Him.
After the Vespers service and the blessing of the food we enjoyed the feast prepared by our hard working and dedicated parishioners.