Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, with sadness we would like to inform you that our dear parishioner and brother in Christ, Nenad Pantelich reposed in the Lord on Friday 8/5/22 in the York Hospital.
He will be remembered as the "soul" of our Parish; as someone who till his last breath gave himself completely to his Church.
At this sad moment we extend our prayers to his wife Barbara and his family and we will pray for the repose of his soul. May the Resurrected Christ embrace his soul in the bosom of Abraham and give him good Paradise.
The viewing is on Friday from 10 am and the Funeral service from 11 am in our parish Church and we will lay his body at the Lebanon Valley Cemetery around 12 pm. After the cemetery service, the luncheon "dacha" will follow from 1 pm in our Church Hall.
Please keep servant Nenad in your prayers and may his memory be eternal!
May your memory be eternal our dear brother in Christ!