Our new Archpastor Bishop Irinej (Dobrijević) will be enthroned in Pittsburgh, PA on Saturday, October 1, 2016. We invite all the faithful & friends of our Diocese and of His Grace to join us for this historic event.
DATE: Saturday, October 1, 2016
LITURGY: Hierarchical Divine Liturgy – 9:30 AM – Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral, 450 Maxwell Drive, Pittsburgh, PA, 15236
BANQUET: Luncheon Banquet & Program – 1:30-5:30 pm – Carnegie Music “Marble” Hall Foyer and Balcony, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213
TICKET INFORMATION: Banquet Tickets are $100 per person and must be ordered no later than September 23. No tickets will be mailed; reservations will be checked in at the door.
Tickets can be ordered via 1 of the following 2 ways:
Online at: https://secure.etransfer.com/SLSOC/BishopIrinejEnthronement.cfm .
Alternatively, tickets may be ordered by mail by sending a check made out to Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America for the number of tickets ordered, together with the name and address(es) of those planning to attend, to: Bishop Irinej Enthronement Banquet, c/o Darlene Defebo , 1241 Prospect Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15227. Mrs. Defebo can also be reached via e-mail at djdefebo@gmail.com or via phone at 412-885-3739.
HOTEL INFORMATION: A block of rooms are available at the Pittsburgh Marriott, 777 Aren Road, Coraopolis, PA, 15108 for the group rate of $99.00/night until September 9th. Call 412-788-8800 and mention Diocese Event when making your reservation.
Complete details & updates are also available on the Eastern Diocese web site: www.easterndiocese.org .