Today was a blessed day for our Parish. By the Grace of the Lord we welcomed into the Orthodox Church our beloved sister in Christ Barbara Tautkas through the mystery of the Holy Baptism and Chrismation and through the prayerful participation of her sponsors and God-parents Vasilios and Georgia. Our joy was even greater because our dear brother in Christ, Mr. George Weiss, as a blessing for all, brought a particle from the venerable relics of the Great and Holy martyr Barbara whose name our newly sister in Christ received during today's baptism. Our Parishioners will be able to venerate her relics tonight and tomorrow during the Divine Liturgy. May the Good Lord grant every blessing to our newly baptized sister in Christ Barbara through the intersession of her name Saint whose relics we venerate. May it be for many blessed years!
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Ministering to the Lebanon Valley since 1916 120 East Weidman St. Lebanon PA, 17046
Eastern Diocese of America - Serbian Orthodox Church
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